Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My try at making a VO commercial

Here's another submission for a voice competition I'm participating in.  It was supposed to be a comical commercial about string, but I think it turned out a little corny and, well...not really funny.  Took me about 45 minutes to write it, record it, find the music for it, and edit it to the final product.

Thanks to Kevin MacLeod for the music used in this commercial! (Song is called Windswept).


  1. Not a gutbuster....... but a well done tounge in cheek creation.
    Voice is well done and enunciation made it quite clear. Don't sell the effort short...... It has a certain "sauv wa fair" (ok I can't spell it.....).

  2. “Congratulations David Bodtcher! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.”


  3. By the way...........
    Don't forget, without string there would be no Duct Tape!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Wouldn't that be a crazy world? Nothing would ever get repaired!
